To demonstrate the process the students will write the product of these multiplications.
1. 3x4= 2. 4x6= 3. 6x8= 4. 3x8= 5. 2x6=
6. 2x3= 7. 8x10= 8. 4x5= 9. 4x8= 10. 8x8=
To describe what are plants and animals the students will make a mental map.
1. Investigate what are living things.
2. Write three sentences about living things.
To demonstrate abilities to uses grammatically correct language when writing simple sentences.
1. Spell vocabulary words ( root, stem, leaves, nonliving, seed ) and write them three times.
To continue practice .
1. Play Math game 10 min.
2. Read 10 min.
To demonstrate the process the students will write the product of these multiplications.
6x8= 2. 2x3= 3. 4x6= 4. 2x6= 5. 3x8=
5x8= 7. 4x10= 8. 4x4= 9. 2x8= 10. 2x2=
To demonstrate abilities to uses grammatically correct language when writing simple sentences.
1. Spell vocabulary words ( survive, amphibian, gills, bird, lungs) and write them three times.
2. Write a story using all vocabulary words ( living, nutrient, shelter, fruit, mammal, root, stem, leaves, nonliving, seed, survive, amphibian, gills, bird, lungs)
To continue practice.
1. Play Math game 10 min.
2. Read 10 min.
3. Write reading report.