Day Assembly
Second Grade
By Miss Cynthia
Once upon a time there were five mermaids in
the ocean, but they were not ordinary mermaids, they were King Triton's
daughters. They used to be unconscious about the situation that every creature
in the ocean were suffering. In fact, they only spent time swimming and dancing
in the ocean, admiring Humans.
One day their guardian Sebastian, asked them to
do the right thing and save the Ocean from pollution. Little mermaids didn't
want to believe that their loved Humans were able to hurt the Ocean and forgot
Sebastian's advices. Suddenly Flounder, a friend of Mermaids, got very sick and
little Mermaids realized that Sebastian was right and they must save the ocean.
Arista Anahy
Arce Aldape.
Scott Diego
Fernandez Fonseca.
Flounder Joshua
Alexandre Gonzalez Perez.
Sebastian Michel
Jacques Aguilar.
Ariel Nicole
Jacques Aguilar.
Alana Monica
Samantha Quintero Flores.
Adella Cynthia
Jatziry Ruiz Villalobos.
Attina Margaret
Delia Watkins.
Under the sea Ariel and her sisters were amazed
by the strange objects they found...
Adella: Look Arista what a beautiful... thing. (She
shows a hand mirror to her sister)
Arista: (Taking the mirror with her hands and spin
in a circle) Oh yes!! It looks like me!!
Adella: Not your image , the thing!!
Alana: Oh and what's in your hands Attina?
Attina: Oh nothing... I think is garbage... (She
shows a fork to the audience)
Ariel: Garbage? Don't be silly!! It's a... (She takes the fork and combs her
hair with it) It's precious!!!
Sebastian: (He appears very surprised because the
mermaids have all those strange objects) Hey girls!! Leave the garbage !! You don't
know where all that garbage have been!!
Ariel: Oh Sebastian, take it easy! There is no
garbage in the ocean, they are just human's objects!
Sebastian: Human's waste, you mean!! (At the same
time he takes the fork and the mirror from them)
Flounder and Scott: Hey girls! Look what I
found!! (Running to Ariel and her sisters).
Flounder: You found it? I did!!
Scott: That's not true!! I did!! (They fight -
moving their fins)
Alana: Oh no... Ariel,
they are fighting again...
Arista: Oh don't worry, let me fix this... Stop!!!
(She yells to both fish)
Flounder and Scott look at Arista and
give a pair of sunglasses to Ariel. Sebastian makes an angry face
and crosses his arms.
Ariel: Wow! This is perfect... (And she puts the
sunglasses on her face).
Sebastian: Give me that! (He takes the sunglasses
away). Oh shame on you both fish! (Looking at Scott and Flounder)
You know that The King wants his daughters safe and sound! That means away from
human garbage!
Sebastian disappears with the objects.
All mermaids: Hey! Don't tell dad!! (As they
follow Sebastian).
Ariel: Would you give me my precious things, please?
(She´s the last in the line)
Arista, Alana, Adella and Attina:
Sssssshhhhhhhhh!!!! (To Ariel)
Scott: I think Sebastian is over reacting.
Flounder: Yes... But he's right in some way because
Humans are polluting our home, look... (Both fish spin in a circle).
Scott: Well, let's see what happens...
Fish left the stage and mermaids arrive on the
other side.
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more
Scott and Flounder get in the room.
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Walking around on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - feet!
Sebastian: Hey girls, I don't want to fight anymore but you must see that you belong to the ocean and the ocean is in danger because humans throw their garbage here and...
And what?
Well girls, you must know that creatures in the ocean are getting sick...
And sometimes they die...
What? Why? It's because of Ursula?!
Flounder: Ursula? Oh no, no, no.
Come on! It's caused by human girls!
What? Oh no, you are wrong. That's impossible!
Hey girls, look at the mess around our kingdom. (Everybody looks to the
Ariel: Oh Arista, don't listen to them. We love humans,
we want to be where they are...
Alana: We want to walk like them...
Adella: We want to dance like them...
Attina: We want to be like them...
Sebastian: But do you want to pollute the ocean like
them too?
Flounder: You are the princesses of this world and you
must protect us!
All mermaids: Protect you?
Scott: Yes! We trust on you! The King would be proud of you.
Ariel: But we want to have fun just like humans!
Sebastian: Oh girls, I hope you realize soon that the
ocean needs you all!
He leaves the stage looking sad...
Flounder: Oh! I don't feel right. I feel cold and wet.
Scott: You are under the ocean, of course you are
Flounder: Seriously, I can't breathe! (He faints)
Scott: Flounder? Flounder!!
Arista: What's going on?
Scott: Something is wrong with Flounder!
Ariel: Oh no! What happened?
Alana: Maybe Sebastian is right, the ocean is
Adella: Polluted by humans!! (angry)
Attina: Oh no!! What are we gonna do?
Ariel: I know! Follow me!
Mermaids, swim to the surface and talk to
Humans (looking to the audience).
Ariel: Hey! We need your help!
Alana: Ariel! What are you doing!
Adella: We can't contact humans!
Attina: We are in a big problem!
Ariel: Please! Stop polluting the ocean! It's home
for lots of creatures... like us.
Arista: Ariel, I'm proud of you! You found a
Alana: But do you think it works?
Adella: Hey Humans! You
also need to know that you waste lots of water. You need to save water for the
Attina: Save energy too! Because energy heats our
ocean and creatures get sick... or even die.
Ariel: Like Flounder...
Attina: Flounder! Let's see him!
Mermaids go back deep into the ocean. There
were Flounder, Sebastian and Scott. Flounder wakes up when all mermaids are
Mermaids: Flounder!
Arista: Hey! Look at the ocean! It's getting better!
Ariel: It looks clean!
Attina: And it's warm!
Sebastian: I knew you can save the ocean!

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