domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 22/IV/16

PLO'S : Healthy Living, Patterns, Features (writing and representing)
*Describes the benefits of healthy eating practices on attaining and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
** Uses graphs to represent patterns and relationships.
*** Uses strategies to spell unfamiliar words.

THEME: Let's look at vegetables and meat and Key words page 174.
1) Look at the picture and describe with adjectives, what you see?
2) Listen, point and repeat U6 Track 24 and answer pages 170 and 171. And  pages 139, 140 and 172.
3) In team chose 3 vegetables and 3 type of meal and make a survey.
4) Use the information and make a pictograph.

PURPOSE: Make a science experiment to apply the knowledge of the bimester.
1)Pour water into the glass until it is about half full.
2) Stir in lots of salt (about 6 tablespoons)
3) Carefully pour in plain water until the glass is nearly full ( be careful not to disturb or mix the salty water with the plain water).
4) Gently lower the raw egg into the water and watch happens.
5) Make a tutorial and publish.

Read at least 10 min aloud

Activities for 21/ IV / 16


PLO'S: Patterns
Understands the relationship within tables of values to solve problems.

THEME: Line plots and find the range and the mode.
1) Research in your IPAD math key words: line plots, range, mode.
2) Each team will choose one theme ( how many glasses drink of water in a week ,how many days you eat fruit and vegetables in a week, how many days you make exercises in a week , how many days you eat junk food in a week.
3) Then you will ask your classmates about your theme and make your line plot.
4) And find the range and the mode.

PURPOSE: Use the line plot to understand relationship to shove problems.

1) Answer page RW63 MATH HSP.
2) Study for Quiz key words

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 19/IV/16

Reading and viewing

PLO'S : Thinking ( reading and viewing ).
Responds to selections read by expressing an opinion and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence.

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. "Giberto and the wind" by Marie Hall Ets."
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.

Final product:
Purpose: responds to selections read by making text-to self using visualize.
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)
Read "Picture book" page 2 and 3, circle with orange the adjectives. Remember is in your folder.
Read at least 10 min aloud.

Activities for 20/ IV / 16

PLO'S: Features ( writing and representing)
Uses verbs in present and in past.

1) Research the definition, present and past tense of the verbs ride, play, eat, comb, take.
2) Write in your notebook sentences with these verbs. Circle with orange the adjectives, blue the nouns and with red the verbs.
3) Read and discuss the Healthy Habits chart of page 65.

PURPOSE: Use a healthy chart to write the verbs in their correct tense.
1) Make your own Healthy Habits chart. Include five healthy habits in page 72.
2) Compare your chart with a classmate.
1) Answer pages 66 S1 and bring a can
2) Read at least 10 min.

Activities for 18/ IV / 16

PLO'S: Social 
Describes workers that help the population distributation in selected countries.

THEME: WORKERS: baker, delivery man, farmer, miller
1) Research the activity of this workers make a Pic Collage in pairs
2) Answer page 158 S1 and write the name of each worker under each box.
3) Listen,point, and repeat U6 Track 22 and answer pages 120 and 121.
4) In pairs play the missing letters to complete the Key Words.

PURPOSE:  Describes the activities of the workers using the key words.
1) In your notebook make a story. Use the workers and the 9 key words. Remember is important to use in your story: First, Next, Then and Finally.
2) Tell the story to your group and evaluate the comments.
3) Publish your story in the Blog 

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 15/IV/16

PLO'S : Healthy Living, Patterns, Features (writing and representing)
*Describes the benefits of healthy eating practices on attaining and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
** Uses graphs to represent patterns and relationships.
*** Uses strategies to spell unfamiliar words.

1) Look at the picture (page134 S1) and find the bananas. Circle the correct answers to answer the question what is the banana like.
2) Match the meals to the food on the right. Use different colors.
3) Watch key word page 102 S1. Then circle with blue the nouns and with red the verbs.
4) In pairs make 10 sentences with these words and things you can eat and drink.
5) Research in the IPAD what is a bar graph and answer page RW61 for HSP MATH.
6) Answer pages RW62 and RW63 HSP MATH

PURPOSE: Use a graph to represent what you can eat and drink and remember key words.
1) Make bar graph with 3 foods and 3 drinks are healthy.

Bring your Good Daily Habits pamphlet.
Read at least 10 min.

Activities for 14/IV/16

PLO'S: Number
Understands place value for numbers less one thousandth.

THEME: Place Value
1) In team with color chips will represent a number. Blue will be hundreds, red tens, white ones. At least 3 numbers.
2)Use key words page 148, write on each index card.
3) One teammate takes all the cards and mixes them up.
4) Then, another classmate takes a card and tries to say as many words from the words from the word list that start with that letter.

Final product
Purpose: solves problems involving place value and vocabulary words ( key words ).
1) In your BLOG make problems using place value and key words page 148 like an exam. 
2) Change with a teammate and motivates to solve your exam.

1) Answer pages RW 132 and 133 HSP MATH
2) Study key words page 148 and 102

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 13/ IV / 16

PLO'S: Features (Writing and Representing)
Uses complete simple, compound, complex sentences and uses strategies to spell unfamiliar words.

Theme: Commands (imperative sentences)
1) watch the pictures and match the commands on page 58.
2) In pairs act out the commands, take turns.
3) Answer pages 59 and  62 S1.
4) In a blue post it write 5 key words and in green post it write 5 the commands and put in the board.

Purpose: Write sentences using commands and spell unfamiliar ( key words ) words.
1) In your notebook write 5 sentences with the key words and the commands.

1)For next Monday (18/ IV/ 16 ) bring your GOOD DAILY HABITS PAMPHLET. 
2) Answer pages  165 and 166 S1.

Activities for 11/IV/16

PLO'S: Human and Physical environment.
Describes factors that affect settlement patterns and population in your country.

THEME: From farm to store. 
1) Repeat key words page 102
Work in pairs.
2)Use the pictures of page 156 S1 to tell how bread starts on the farm and ends up in our homes.
3)Name the workers who participate in making bread.
4)Research where your favorite foods come from. Trace in your book ( page 157 ) the process they go through from their original state to your table.

Final product
Purpose: Describe the process from the farm and ends up in their homes.
1) Make a video and invite JVS community to watch it.

Answer pages 100 and101 S1
Read at least 10 min

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 08/IV/16

PLO'S: Healthy living
Explains the benefits of good nutrition.

THEME: Healthy food 
1) Work in partner and write 3 foods that come for animals and 3 for plants.
2) Describe those food with adjectives
3) Also mention your favorite meal and draw it.
4) Make suggestions of foods for a good nutrition.
5) Answer pages 132 and 133 S1.

Final product
Purpose: reflects on and assesses by setting goals and creating a plan for improvement.
1) Make a PIC COLLAGE with your work

Read at least 10 min.

Activities for 07/ IV/16

Identify the value of the coins.

Theme: Value of the coins.
1) watch the video
2) Draw the coins you need to buy differents products ( key words page 78) in your notebook.
3) You can count different coins together, find the total value. answer pages RW70 and RW71 of HSP MATH.

Final product: 
You can count to find the total value of the coins.
1) Make a video of the coins. Use IMovie and work in team.
2) Share in YouTube, Face and Twitter.

Answer page RW72 and RW73 HSP MATH.
Study key words page 78 for quiz and answer page 79

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 5/IV/16

Activities for 5/IV/16 ( Reading Power)

Reading and viewing
PLO'S : Thinking ( reading and viewing ).
Responds to selections read by expressing an opinion and making judgments supported by explanations and evidence.

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
1) Watch the book in YouTube
2) Close your eyes and visualize the story. "All the colors of the Earth" by Sheila Hammmanaka.
3) Comment your feelings with your team.
4) Answer the questions in your Blog:
a) I visualize with the title.
b) I like the story because...
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.

Final product:
Purpose: responds to selections read by making text-to self using visualize.
Retell the story in your own words: don't forget the principal words (First, then,Next, Finally)
Read "Picture book" page 2 and 3, circle with orange the adjectives. Remember is in your folder.
Read at least 10 min aloud.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Health Food by Milena

1) Andy likes broccoli .
2) Patty likes carrots.
3) Patty doesn't like broccoli, rice and fish.
4) Andy and Paty both like corrot, pasta and chicken.

Normas y reglas de convivencia Milena

Reglas de en mi casa
1) No hablar con la boca llena de comida.
2) No caminar con vasos de vidrio.
3) Dormirte temprano.

Reglas en la escuela:
1) Acomoda tu cosas en tu banca.
2) Levantar la mano para participar.
3) Tirar la basura en el bote del salón.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

El instructivo

Campo formativo: Lenguaje y comunicación.
Aspecto: Escrito
Competencia: Emplea el lenguaje como medio para comunicarse (en forma oral y escrita)y como medio  para aprender
Aprendizajes esperados: Sigue instrucciones respetando la secuencia establecida en un proceso.
Tema: El instructivo
Propósito: Reconoce la utilidad de los instructivos en la vida cotidiana.
Después de ver el vídeo.

a) Escribe los pasos para hacer un instructivo.
b) En tu cuaderno redacta 5 oraciones  que expliquen cómo hacer un barco de papel.
2. Publica en el Blog del grupo 
3. Lee los comentarios de tus compañeros y aporta 2 datos nuevos a esa información.                        

martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Activities for 16/III /16

Activities for 16/ III/16

Theme: Staying Healthy 

1) Watch the Key words page 54 S1 and in pairs play mimic game with them.
2) Listen and read the track 9. Circle the meat that the family is having for dinner.
3) Complete the sentences with the information in the Venn diagram.
4) Copy in your Blog and your notebook.
5) In your Math Notebook make 3 problems with your key words and solve them.
EXAMPLE: I went to the supermarket, I bought 3kg of broccoli. The price of the kg is $2. How I spend? 
Result 3 x 2= $6.

On a summer day

Isabella Flores

On a summer day

When I see the title I remember when I went yo the beach.

I like the story because they play funny things and they play all the day.

Isabella Flores

In a Summer day

Isabella Rueda

Las normas

Reglas de convivencia

Reglas y normas

Campo formativo:Exploración de la Naturaleza y la Sociedad.
Aspecto: Formación cívica y ética.
Competencia: Apego a la legalidad y sentido de justicia.
Aprendizajes esperados: Identifica los beneficios de las reglas y acuerdos para la convivencia en familia y en la escuela.
Tema: Las reglas que sirven para todos.
Propósito:Reflexiona sobre las normas por seguir en los diferentes lugares
1. Investiga culés son las reglas o normas para la convivencia y contesta lo siguiente.
a) Escribe 3 reglas o normas que hay en tu casa.
b) Escribe 3 reglas dentro del salón de clases.
c) Anota una norma que hay en la escuela.
En tu cuaderno redacta 5 oraciones  que explique la importancias de las normas o reglas para la buena convivencia.
2. Publica en el Blog del grupo 
3. Lee los comentarios de tus compañeros y aporta 2 datos nuevos a esa información.                        

Activities for 15/III/16

Theme: Reading Power ( visualize )
c) Put a image to illustrate your work.
Valeria Serna

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Benito Juàrez

Benito Juárez nació el 21 de marzo de 1806 y fue presidente de México de 1858 a 1872 

Isabella Rueda 

Benito Juárez

Benito Pablo Juárez García (San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, 21 de marzo de 1806 – Ciudad de México, 18 de julio de 1872) fue un abogado y político mexicano, de origen indígena (de la etnia zapoteca), presidente de México en varias ocasiones, del 18 de diciembre de 1857 al 18 de julio de 1872.[1] [2] Se le conoce como el «Benemérito de las Américas.Es célebre su frase: "Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es La Paz.  
Desiree, Ian, Miranda. 

Benito Juárez

Benito Juárez nació el 21 de marzo de 1806 en el estado de Oaxaca en el poblado de San Pablo Guelatao sus papás murieron cuando él tenía 3 años y sus dos hermanas mayores lo cuidaban .
Llego a ser presidente de la Ciudad de México

Adrián y

Biografía de Juárez

Campo formativo: Exploración de la Naturaleza y la Sociedad.
Aspecto: Historia
Competencia: Reconoce a Benito Juárez como uno de los principales personajes en la historia de trascendencia que tiene en la vida actual.
Aprendizajes esperados: Identifica como y por qué se celebra el natalicio de Benito Juárez y valora la vigencia de su lema en la actualidad. 
Tema: Natalicio de Benito Juárez.
Propósito: Reconoce la fecha en que se celebra el natalicio de Benito Juárez.
1. ¿Cuál fue la frase célebre de Benito Juárez.
2. ¿Porqué se le llamó Benemérito de las Américas? 
3. ¿A qué edad quedó huérfano?
4. ¿Que estudios realizó?
5. ¿En qué año fue presidente de la República Mexicana?

Benito Juárez

Hijo de Marcelino Juárez y Brígida García, matrimonio indígena de humilde condición, Benito Juárez quedó huérfano siendo niño y cursó sus primeros estudios en su pueblo natal. Tenía veinte años cuando ingresó en el Instituto de Ciencias de Oaxaca, donde se licenció en derecho. Su preocupación por la realidad social y en particular por la situación de los campesinos lo llevó a expresar sus puntos de vista liberales y a participar activamente en política. 

Isabella Flores, Milena y Miguel Ángel 

Benito Juárez

Don Benito Juárez nació en Oaxaca el 21 de marzo de 1806. Sus padres fueron los campesinos indígenas Marcelino Juárez y Brígida García. En su niñez, Benito trabajó como pastor de ovejas, pero tenía muchas ganas de estudiar y llegar a ser un profesional. Con mucho esfuerzo estudió en el Instituto de Ciencias y Arte de Oaxaca y se convirtió en abogado. 

Al conocer las injusticias que sufrían los indígenas, inició su carrera política uniéndose a los liberales. En 1847, llegó a ser diputado y en 1855 fue nombrado Ministro de Justicia e Instrucción. En 1858, se convirtió en Presidente de México y promulgó leyes que eliminaron los antiguos privilegios de los sacerdotes. También derrotó a los franceses que invadieron México en 1862.

Fue reelegido en 1871 y fundó muchas escuelas donde se impartió educación gratuita. También mandó construir ferrocarriles y extender los telégrafos. Murió de una enfermedad de los pulmones el 18 de julio de 1872.

Carolina y Mariana 

US money

Billetes de dólarEditar

Mariana y Desirée