sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Activities for 16 / V /16

Social Studies
PLO'S: Skills and processes of Social Studies
*Interprets,  graphs, tables and various types of maps.

1) They will make brain gym with the key vocabulary ( North, South, East and West). They will learn that the head represents the North, the feet will be the South, left West and right East.

2) Watch the map on page 128 answer the page.

3) Look at the map of the town. Follow the instructions on page 131.

4) Listen, point and repeat page 82, 83 U7 track 12.

5) Write sentences with key words page 86 and street directions on page 133.

PURPOSE:  Make a map follow directions.
1) Make a map of the area around your school. Label important places.

2) Give directions from one place to another to classmate.

Answer pages  84 and 137 S1.
Read at least 10 min

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